Interview of an entrepreneur building India’s 1st Pro Wrestling platform, Vinayak Sodhi | Icons Behind Brand marketing podcast <span class="bsf-rt-reading-time"><span class="bsf-rt-display-label" prefix="Read Time:"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-time" reading_time="1"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-postfix" postfix="mins"></span></span><!-- .bsf-rt-reading-time -->

Interview of an entrepreneur building India’s 1st Pro Wrestling platform, Vinayak Sodhi | Icons Behind Brand marketing podcast
Perseverance and determination take you a long way. Our next guest, Mr Vinayak Sodhi is a great example of this.
With over 5 decades of experience in the wrestling industry Mr. Vinayak Sodhi finally managed to bring his dream to reality.
Mr. Vinayak Sodhi is the founder and director of India’s first professional wrestling platform, Wrestle Square
His entrepreneurial journey is surely going to resonate with you if you’re an entrepreneur, a business owner or a new startup.
Be sure to watch the full episode
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