What is the essence of leadership? Learn from Ms. Runam Mehta, CEO, Healthcube <span class="bsf-rt-reading-time"><span class="bsf-rt-display-label" prefix="Read Time:"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-time" reading_time="1"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-postfix" postfix="mins"></span></span><!-- .bsf-rt-reading-time -->

What is the essence of leadership? Learn from Ms. Runam Mehta, CEO, Healthcube

What is the essence of leadership? Learn from Ms. Runam Mehta, CEO, Healthcube

“The things we perceive as creative brilliance are often a product of a system. “

Ms. Runam Mehta, CEO of Healthcube is a healthcare entrepreneur who has gathered diverse experience in the field of healthcare. She has 14 years of experience in building disruptive businesses. 

Is your product solving the problem?

We see that USP and messaging go hand in hand. A business should work on creating 

Non-defensive hearing mechanism and create authentic and resonating messages. 

Besides this,

How sales cycle change from B2B to B2C organizations? And What is the true essence of leadership?

Know it all in this power-packed episode created for you.

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