Brand Marketing Leader and Expert, Mr. Rahul Sagar Shares his Marketing Insights <span class="bsf-rt-reading-time"><span class="bsf-rt-display-label" prefix="Read Time:"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-time" reading_time="1"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-postfix" postfix="mins"></span></span><!-- .bsf-rt-reading-time -->
Recently, I had the honor of interacting with Rahul Sagar, a brand management and marketing expert whose insights I am sure can help you explore more about the tips and tricks of the marketing framework.
He has around18 years of experience in the marketing field. He is currently working as an independent marketing consultant, for various corporations in B2B and B2C domains.
He is here to share his experience and views with all of us.
For all marketing powered minds out there, this is a conversation you cannot miss!
Thank you Rahul for taking out time from your busy schedule and appearing on IBB. That one lesson you shared towards the end of the interview was amazing!
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