Launching On Sunday 13th Feb | Stay Tuned <span class="bsf-rt-reading-time"><span class="bsf-rt-display-label" prefix="Read Time:"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-time" reading_time="1"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-postfix" postfix="mins"></span></span><!-- .bsf-rt-reading-time -->
Launching On Sunday 13th Feb | Stay Tuned
We are thrilled to announce we’re making a big leap into the future of team communications, podcasting.
Globally, people listen to podcasts/audio 5x more than watching videos. And with 57.6 million listeners, India has emerged as the third-largest podcast listening market.
We’re extremely excited to be part of this digital growth and hence we are launching our Podcast officially on 13th February 2022 – Sunday
We will be sending you additional information during our official podcast launch day.
Stay Tuned !!
Team IBB