a spirited discussion on how to deal with challenges and crisis in the PR and communications industry | Ms. Geetika Bangia | Philips | cannon | IBB

a spirited discussion on how to deal with challenges and crisis in the PR and communications industry | Ms. Geetika Bangia | Philips | cannon  | IBB

a spirited discussion on how to deal with challenges and crisis in the PR and communications industry | Ms. Geetika Bangia | Philips | cannon | IBB

What are some of the principles that one should rely on during tough times?

How is having a team that understands your vision important?

Stick around for the soon-releasing upcoming episode of Icons Behind Brand

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Be sure to follow our host, Devleena Neogi, the editor-in-chief of Icons Behind Brands:


https://iconsbehindbrands.com/ to read quick summaries of expert marketing and business interviews

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